Heart Rate Chart and Info

Beats per minute (BPM) - number of beats your heart make in a minute

Heart Rate (HR) - the result of your heartbeats
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) - number of heart beats per minute during rest (usually measured best when waking up in bed and not getting up yet)

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) - the number of heart beats per minute at the maximum (limit). The number of your heart beat should go not over your MHR because of the stress towards the heart that could put further damage in it. (Formula: 220 subtracts your age)

Target Heart Rate (THR) - the goal you want your heart rate at per minute (see 50% to 90%)
Target heart rate should be between 60% to 85% if you want to improve your cardiovascular health.

Exercise Heart Rate (EHR) - the number of heart beats per minute during exercise

Recovery Heart Rate (ReHR) - the number of heart beats during your recovery phase (cool-down period - and should be below 125 bpm after 3 minutes of recovery)

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